Hello Loyal Readers!
It seems like every year I do a “happy spring” or “spring is finally here!” post. I guess that’s because I simply love spring (and dislike excessive winter), so spring’s arrival seems like an event to me. (Not to mention the fact that I don’t have anything else to post about. That should change relatively soon, though. My family is going on vacation in May.)
The daffodils are in bloom, and the crocuses just finished. The mountain laurel is opening up and the hyacinths are bursting. For some reason, sunny days and warm wind and blooming flowers put me in a happy mood. It means I can get out and about again! Today my family volunteered again at a 1719 German Colonial living museum (Hans Herr House) here in PA. This was the first this year, and I was quite excited. Unfortunately I didn’t think to bring my camera; otherwise I could have shared some pictures with you guys!
Anyhow, about spring. Yes it has its downsides. You very quickly remember that that you own sunscreen for a reason. Your dog reminds you that you can throw her tennis ball again. Allergies plague your family members. But so what? Sunburn goes away after awhile, I would have had to play with my dog anyhow, and they make allergy medicine. Spring is a hopeful time of the year. Most especially so because it is the time of year that our Savior rose from the grave. That alone is enough to make all the flowers dance for joy and the sun to laugh in glee. See ya’ll soon!