Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Ok, I know that it is almost the middle of May and that spring has been with us for a while, but spring has now fully sprung. The crocuses may have bloomed in March, but God must have held back the true splendor of the season through the cold spell in April. The azaleas, Irises, and rhododendrons are blooming, I found a robin’s nest with chicks in it, and the trees are fully leaved. Praise the Lord, spring has sprung!
Robin’s nest (notice the fuzzy chicks).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Assateague Vacation

My family just came back from a vacation near Assateague Island, where the wild ponies live. We camp there at least once a year. While there this time, we also went to a small zoo in Maryland.
Some Sandhill Cranes at the zoo. What a funny noise! 
An emu. 
A red wolf.
A Bison.
A bald Eagle.
A pretty crab shell.
A live crab.

Some of my sand sculptures.
Ponies on the beach.