Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Snow Wisdom

     Hello loyal readers! I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I might do a bit about snow, which is falling as I write.
     Snow can be a beautiful thing. Earlier this week, in my area, we got a lot of snow and freezing rain, and let me tell you, the trees in my backyard were beautiful. Each tiny twig was encased in frosty ice, and the branches were blanketed by snow. When the light shined on it just so, everything gleamed. But something else happened, too. All that snow and ice weighed down the branches of the trees, and the branches cracked and fell. Even whole trees, with the snap of a gunshot, toppled to the ground. Ice chunkes rained down all everywhere. And we lost power, for a day. Many others lost power, too, and some lost power for several days. How could something as beautiful as snow or ice be so harmful, so deceptive? Don't get me wrong, I don't think snow is evil. Far from It! It is a wonderful creation of God. But it reminds me of something else; Sin.
     Sin is like snow; beautiful, dazzeling, and deceptive. Sin "looks good" to our warped senses, but leads to certain death. Like snow, it lures us out to it, live in it, take pictures of it. (Well, ok, maybe thats just snow. And, by the way, I did not get skewed by falling icicles while taking pictures, although it was close ;D) And then, Sin destroys you. It takes you over with its numbing grip, and you are powerless to resist. Be wary of sin. Instead, follow the Way of God.

"There is a way that seems right to a man,
but its end is the way to death"
Proverbs 16:25 (ESV)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you didnt get hit by the falling icicles! You guys have a lot of trees!!!! lol if you lived in south dakota your yard would never have that many trees!
